my Journey to financial freedom in 10 years

i’m toby, a low wage worker, and in 10 years i’ll be retired

i’m 26 with:

  • no house

  • no car

  • no qualifications

and yet by investing nearly every penny earned, i’ll build a portfolio to support a life of champagne and sunsets

my Journey so far

year 1

april 2023 - march 2024

  • average hourly wage

    across 2 jobs:

    job a: receptionist & cleaner
    april ‘23 - march ‘24

    my main job for the year

    job b: bartender & cleaner
    april ‘23 - february ‘24
    my second job which i quit part-way through the year

  • comparison of assets invested

    i invested in 2 asset types this year, weighted towards the safer option:

    s&p 500 index etf
    this is a ‘market tracker’ that follows the general performance of the s&p 500. it has consistently performed well for many decades, and i view it as a safe long-term investment

    a highly-speculative investment, i bought & held ethereum, with the future intention to transfer to & from a stablecoin according to market peaks & troughs

  • accounts used for investment

    while my average investment target is £30k per year, saving & investing is more exponential than linear. the first few years will be the slowest, but wages will pick up & lost-time can be made up in the last few years with the help of interest on investments

  • total income for year

    inclusive of my 2 jobs & gifts received, i‘m a low-wage worker indeed. i had a small pot of savings from previous years, and together with keeping spending low, i managed to invest most of what i had

  • interest earned by year end

    a booming year for the s&p 500 (again!) is the sole reason for this - this figure does not include value of cryptocurrency held, as it wavers so much the figure would quickly become outdated